Here is a short snippet from an email that Trent sent the parents while we were there. It gives a brief picture of our work and rhythm there:
"As we’ve discovered, things happen slowly in Honduras (and having to move 40 people doesn’t help!). While the going has been slow, we’ve been picking up steam over the past couple of days, and have managed to demolish a house, reconstructing the foundation and flooring, prep and paint a school, church, and playground, build the foundation of an additional bathroom for a school, reconstruct a communal common area, teach classes in elementary schools, play soccer with local kids, launch local kids 10-12 feet in the air during lunch time swim breaks, and much, much more. The work, while not always the epitome of efficiency, has been very rewarding, and has provided for some really powerful interactions both with locals, and within the group. We are beginning to hit our stride as a group, and are excited to see how the next couple days will unfold!...Our times away from work have included much recreation (hiking, snorkeling, soccer, etc…), powerful times of teaching and small group interaction, and of course some time to work out (you’d be amazed at the creative workouts that unfold when you have nearly 30 varsity athletes, 5 gallon water jugs, steep hills, and fitness test awaiting them upon return to Stanford! Needless to say, I think they will all do just fine.)"
We are excited to see the ways that the Lord continues to move in the hearts of the students as a result of this trip. It was incredibly heart warming to hear some of their reflections at the end of the week and the ways that they were touched, the ways that they were used, the ways that God revealed Himself powerfully, the ways that they fell in love with the people there, the ways they fell more in love with God, the ways they grew individually and as a community, the ways that they were sanctified, and so much more.
Thank you so much to all of you who supported this trip financially and in prayer! We are so grateful for all of you and hope God is blessing each and every one of you. Please pray for God to keep moving powerfully on this campus this spring quarter. We are very excited to see what He is going to do! Below are just a few pictures of the trip. Enjoy and God Bless!
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